Saturday, August 27, 2011

A little love to those in the cheap seats...

I thought I would give some attention to some of the much older miniatures that I still have on my shelves since I have so little time to to do anything more recent as of late.

Necromunda was a fun game and still is to this day. I really wish that GW had supported it a bit more for a longer time frame than just the late 90s. During that time, I had at least three gangs: One Orlocks, one Redemption, and my favorites a gang of Spyrers. The Spyrers were fun since they had very little up keep, were limited in support that they could receive, but got some of the cooler toys to play with.
I know it was not the first conversion that I ever did, but was one of many where I realized that I tend to turn into Richard Dreyfuss from Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Inspiriation comes to me from no where, and I get obessed with it until I either finish it, or get it to a point where I get inspired to do something.
In this case, I got an idea to do a Yeld spyrer up as Batman one Saturday, then spending the rest of the weekend driving all over town to find the right models that I wanted, then sitting at my workbench the rest of the time. The head was filed down, and claws from another model were sharpened, attached to the head, and filled in with putty. The bent wings make the rest of the model. Unfortunately, the rest of the gang did not get as much love as the Batman Yeld, and were all rushed.

1 comment:

  1. Looks great and great concept. A gal down at the FLGS did a bunch of minis up for a super hero kill team in much the same way.
