Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Stages of "Rust" washes walk through:

Initial stage:
Bare, not primed nor basecoated.
Basecoat with Rust-Oleum inverted marking paint, "BLUE" water based formula.

Each wash is made from one part paint, with three to five(or more) parts water. A drop of liquid floor wax, I don't recommended any particular brand, is optional to help make the thinned out paint flow a little better. Though I did not use it in this case.

First stage wash: Apple barrel brand Ripe Tomato or Falmingo Coral.
Second stage wash: Apple Barrel brand Harvest Orange.
Third stage wash: Apple Barrel brand Pumpkin Orange or Jack-O-Lantern.
Fourth(optional) stage wash: Apple Brand Kings Yellow.

This stage is a bit of an odd one since the yellow paint does dull out the other previous colors.

All six stages side by side for comparision: