Saturday, October 29, 2011

I just had an evilgasm....

And another F-ing Landraider....

In case you have not been vigilant in your watching of new releases, Forgeworld has come out with another pre-heresy design based on the "classic" landraider from over 20 years ago, referred to as the Proteus. Experimental rules can be found here.

Now, with that out of that way; as one who has bought/owned over a dozen of landraiders over the years to the point that my spouse has threatened divorce if I brought yet another one into the house, and this carries little weight with me, I have to ask: "Do we really need another landraider variant?"
Yes, it is pretty and more than likely the shakes will not stop until I get my hands on one, yes yes my precious.... but for the sake of the hobby/game, shouldn't other such toys get more effort put into releasing than an already heavily supported Imperial(insert flavor)/Chaos Marine factions?

Monday, October 17, 2011

Dreading over dreadnaughts....

Had the happy experience of getting a package this afternoon from Forgeworld, even though it took them over three weeks to get here, and the box was dented, which is why my neighbors heard a blood curdling scream...
Any ways, had ordered two of the contemptor dreadnaughts, and a few arms to go with them.
First thoughts so far, as with anything Forgeworld, "What the hell did I get myself into?" First thing that struck me is that at least one dread has some problems with the casting, some of the resin did not flow right and appears gummy on the flash bits. Body has a couple of holes that will need putty work done.
Second thing, my odd luck resulted in one contemptor is of the regular version, and the other is the relic, which is not available or on the website from what I can tell. Go fig.
Design wise, it fits together like an old GI Joe or Transformers toys, all of the major joints are ball and socket, poses are nearly unlimited in what you can do. Was planning on magnetizing some of the arms, but will have to put some more thought into it before doing anything.