Saturday, August 27, 2011

A little love to those in the cheap seats...

I thought I would give some attention to some of the much older miniatures that I still have on my shelves since I have so little time to to do anything more recent as of late.

Necromunda was a fun game and still is to this day. I really wish that GW had supported it a bit more for a longer time frame than just the late 90s. During that time, I had at least three gangs: One Orlocks, one Redemption, and my favorites a gang of Spyrers. The Spyrers were fun since they had very little up keep, were limited in support that they could receive, but got some of the cooler toys to play with.
I know it was not the first conversion that I ever did, but was one of many where I realized that I tend to turn into Richard Dreyfuss from Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Inspiriation comes to me from no where, and I get obessed with it until I either finish it, or get it to a point where I get inspired to do something.
In this case, I got an idea to do a Yeld spyrer up as Batman one Saturday, then spending the rest of the weekend driving all over town to find the right models that I wanted, then sitting at my workbench the rest of the time. The head was filed down, and claws from another model were sharpened, attached to the head, and filled in with putty. The bent wings make the rest of the model. Unfortunately, the rest of the gang did not get as much love as the Batman Yeld, and were all rushed.

Friday, August 19, 2011

BlingBlade super heavy tank

This is probably one of my conversions that I am the most proud of, though a bit annoyed that technically since I have yet to finish the crew members I had planned for this tank, this remains unfinished.

Originally inspired by the so called "Fortress of Arrogance" that appeared in numerous White Drawf issues and the Acopolyse books. I had taken one look at it and was a bit disappointed since I thought they could have taken it so much more further than they did. Then when I later saw a government building in Austria(I think it was there) while watching TV, I knew how much further they should have gone.
After all, how much more of a statement can you make when you want to say "We are the Imperium! We are rough, we are tough, and we are here to break your stuff!" than with a giant golden double headed eagle on a command tank.
And of course, what more of an apporiate song than "Hell's March" is there for the Imperial Guard. They should get their own set of musicans like the old "Goff Rockers" that the Orks had back in 2nd/3rd edition. I can so see Yarrick head banging while doing the "free bird" in front of a huge column of tanks and soliders.

Any way, pretty much most of the tank was made from the main Baneblade kit, with many pieces from the cities of Death kits. A few odds and ends from others, like the weapons servitor from the throne of judgment, ork heavy shooter, and a hunter killer missile from a leman russ tank. Bits from land raiders and rhinos, also bits from the fantasy wizard were used as well.
The eagle itself were two wood elf eagles spliced together, and resculpted with green stuff. Notice the head on the left is blindfolded, which is a detail not too many pick up on.
In hindsight, I really wished that I had used magnets for the side turrets. The main turret can be rotated and removed for easy storage.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Soul Grinder notes

I really wish I had documented how I built the two Soul Grinders that I did a while back. One of the particular details was how the base bodies were done.

I went through the trouble of using rare earth magnets at the waist to allow both models to be easily transported. Was kind of tricky, the main thing to keep in mind is what polarities each stack of magnets had. I think I used about four or five on both sections (3/8" diameter, 1/8" thk.) The upper torso had to use some paitence with since I had to use a lot of green stuff to fill it in and keep the magnets in place till it harden.

The lower body is a big concern since it will carry all of the model's weight, and also if the legs are not set right it can be very unstable on the table. The first thing to do is to place your magnets right under the torso base, and glue both halves together. Once dried, before putting in the last "door" at the end of the body, fill it up with either lead filings or sand to make the lower body have a decent amount of weight to give it some balance from the upper body. It does not hurt to use some gap filling glue to seep in and hold the loose material a little better.
Then once that has settled and dried, you can arrange all of the legs and your upper body much easier for a more stable model.

Soul Grinder conversions

Another one of my past conversion projects. This one started off shortly after I saw the first soul grinder kits come out, and I immediately wanted to do an "independent" daemon army, many of the models being based upon once mortal creatures or beings. This guy was done up with a Night Lords theme, and my first attempt to create a different melee weapon than the standard claw or sword that came with the kit. I like how the chain mace came out, even with the unfortunate Dark Angel marine holding on for dear life.

This one was going to be built on an Iron Warriors theme, but I just lost all motivation about half way through it and for the other daemons in the army. The head was made from a few parts from the Defiler kit cut and glued together. Another attempt at a chain and mace melee weapon.

Black Legion army

This was one of a few armies I had to sell over the years, this particular one right after I had lost my job and is somewhere blazing a trail of carnage across Denmark of all places.

Originally, the base idea of this project was to build it around a Daemon Prince (Fluffy) and three 13 man squads around their own specific chaos champion.
The champions were each given their own theme, and that theme was carried out to the rest of the squad.
"Fluffy" the daemon prince was one of my largest conversion projects at the time, and was inspired by the apparent lack of imagination I see in other daemon princes that others have done. It is a big pet peeve of mine is when someone does a figure to the point that it looks indistingishable from any of the examples that GW has in their displays. Especially character models.
He started out as the metal daemon prince that was released some years ago, then with the help of my trusty dremel was chopped up and rebuilt with a full wire frame, then resculpted with putty. I am still very proud of my results with him, which made it hard to part with him (he is rampaging across PA at the moment).

Best use of a Marker Light!

My cat Felix has an apparent addiction to chasing anything that resembles a red dot.

First Post!

After some thought, and some peer pressure(not all in the form of threats), I decided to start a seperate blog for my Warhammer and 40K projects.

Some background on me:
I have been in the hobby since about 1989, when a then friend showed me a copy of the Rogue Trader book. Since then, I have had several armies built up from the ground up each time, and slowly have expanded my skill set(yay for Exp points!).
My favorite thing to do is to convert exisiting figures in either suttle to extreme ways. My least favorite thing to do is painting, which is why I have a seperate shelf where I banish most of finished projects to because you have to hold a gun to my head to get me to paint anything.

I do use a few other sites for posting stuff to:
Youtube Channel: Cudaslayer
Cool Mini or Not: Cudaslayer