Monday, January 16, 2012

40K weekend...

Over the weekend, attempted to do some painting to keep with an "oath" I took earlier in the month. I am not convinced that I will be able to fullfill it, but I do need to get back into the habit of being in the hobby again, one way or another.

Then there was the used games auction at the St. Charles branch of the Fantasy Shop. I decided to enter a few things, mostly forgeworld and chapterhouse stuff I doubt I will ever use or regret buying. I am a little disappointed in how much most of it sold for, but then again it is an auction where most of the people are cheapskates or on limited funds. Managed to win a few old bloodbowl and necromunda books.

I really need to sit down and look over my figure stocks(painted and unpainted) again and decide on what more that needs to be clear out. One of the big problems that I have been realizing that I have when it comes to my 40k addiction is that I tend to set too large of goals for myself, and at the same time constantly changing my interests. I need to clear out all of the large projects, and then just concentrate on the smaller single projects which seem to be the more enjoyable pursuits.
For example my Rising Suns marines, which I have had since '92, need to be streamlined and given a better direction, instead of trying to have at least one of every possible unit. Then the Nightlords that were started recently as something to respark my interests again needs to be finished so that at least it can act as a core for further projects later on. And at some point, any future projects need to be a single unit or an addition to one of the then exisiting armies. I can't start a whole new army when I got so many other things that need to be done with what is on hand already.

1 comment:

  1. Ah you easterners ... so lucky ... so much going on in your neck of the woods. I think I'd probably still be a 100% 40K guy if I lived back there.

    I too have taken a "painting oath" of sorts, I have a gigantic amount o' crap to paint this month, quarter, year ... lol.

    From 40K to Zulus ... sigh. For me my new years resolution wasn't "paint more minis" per say it was to swear off video games for 2012. We'll see how long that lasts ... but I'm hopeful! Anyway good luck and happy painting!
