Another visit to the old dusty shelf of yesteryear...
This was an attempt at doing a radical inquisitor army, using rules from both the Daemon and Witch hunter books.
I think I started this about the same time or shortly after I did my last Black Legion army, and carried over some of the animal themes I tried to do with them. One example of this can be seen in the gun servitors, which were wolves that had their heads replaced with either heavy bolters or a multi melta. The other was in a few squads of mutants that filled out the ranks made from fantasy beastmen, most armed with HTH weapons and a few flamers.
One of the other things I tried to do was making at least three daemon hosts, all made from just plastic parts and putty. I limited myself to just these materials to kind of challenge myself, and to see what I could do. Was only able to finish the Khorne and Nurgle hosts before other RL issues started to encroach in on my free time, and eventually lost interest. I really wish I still had some pics of the Slaaneesh one that I had half way finished at the time. In the shot with the Khorne and Nurgle hosts, you can see a psyker that I had made from a fantasy banshee model. This is one of the few models that I regret rushing so quickly, could have done much more with her.
The inquistor himself was one of the models I was most proud of, using a old old figure as the base, and then did an arm swap on both limbs to change the weapons out. This inquisitor has always been one of my favorites from the early days of the hobby.
The henchmen were another interesting attempt at doing something different. The two acoyltes were made from space marine commanders with knight lord heads. The psyker/telepath was an old citedal figure from one of their older board games.
What was also not seen in the video were the three inquisitorial imperial guard units that I had done in addition to the army, each with their own chimera transport. The turrets were replaced with space marine razorback turrets to represent the better equipment that they would have access to. I used a lot of flamer weapons in their armament as well, all the better for purging.
Like many other armies, this was sold as well when I lost my job to cover bills. I regret it, and every now and then think about starting over again on another one like it. But of course, not sure about it being worth the cost, might be better to just create a few units that could work with my other imperial army.
Also just realized that I recognized one of my other conversions in the background on the right, a space marine libarian with a power glove, which is annoying since I finished painting him right before the revised the codex, again.
Interesting idea. I think that Inq retinues are a great place to show some character.